Monday, July 24, 2006

Where do dreams go to die?

and just how long do we allow them to lie in state before we finally bury them? I am struggling with this right now. Some things that I have held in my heart for a long time seem to never be coming to fruition. I am not sure why and don't really care to explore it right now, truthfully, it is just a bit too painful .....But,when do we finally give them up? I am not talking unrealistic or fairytale dreams, I am talking the type that really should seem perfectly feasible, but never seem to get off the ground no matter how much you try.

There are so many different views. Some would say they were not meant to be, some may say that it is not the right time, others would say not to focus so much on what "is not" when I have so much that "is." Yet, I am finding that unlike childhood dreams, that gently fade away into reality, adult dreams shatter to pieces like brittle glass that will splinter everywhere and cut and stick you every time you try to sweep them up and move on.

I'm not sure how we let go of such things and when it stops hurting. I am not even sure if letting go is really just giving up the fight but I do know at some point there must be some sort of resolution; closure if you will.

So, where do dreams go to die? I do believe the answer is somewhere deep in your heart.

Blessings to all and never fear by my next update later in the week, I will most likely be in a completely different frame of mind.


Janell Price said...

I struggle with an unfulfilled dream, too. In fact yesterday I was crying my eyes out with a question like your own, reflecting a struggle of 22 years to believe something promised that never seems to arrive. Today, though, I have decided to hold on to my dream. Something in me would die if I gave it up. Hope, definitely. Faith, maybe. Every person is different, every situation unique to that person, your answer may be different from mine, but I pray God will comfort you and speak tenderly to you what you need to hear to go forward with renewed hope and faith.

Anonymous said...

dreams that die, you say?

honey we need to talk...get over it or hold on for dear life and take the course life leads you...sometimes the dream doesn't come to fruition till 10 years later but in the mean time God is giving you time for the "learning curve" to take place...
1. learn all you can about the subject you dream about...
2. create the dream in mock form (or present your project to test groups)so you understand where you need improvement (and don't get insulted by their butal suggestions...
3. volunteer for an extended amount of time (1-3 yrs)with a company that is working & making a living at what you are dreaming about...
4. take a course (only one to be sure you like it & it is SUITED FOR YOU) at a good college working to a degree in your dream field...
5. talk (3-8 minutes) to high ranking people in the field making tons of money (success is often designated by the suport and demand of the public)...their time will be brief with you because they are in demand so don't be offended at how you approach them. have a small notebook and write down everything they say as they talk...when they see you are obvserving their commitment not just a news reporter they will relax with you...if they want you to interact they will ask you your thoughts otherwise let them talk and you write fast...
5. start an actual notebook on paper so you can carry it anytime and anywhere with dividers...
a. on computer, download on the outlines & notes (2 different things) to prove your research ongoing interest in the area of your dream.
b. write/type out your goal, purpose, and dream (at least a page long to show you've really put time into this endever...and what you plan to contribute to the field of your dream area.
c. notes from the test groups.
d. notes from people you have interviewed.
e. the actual cost (make calls, visit retail sites, paper costs or supplies you'll need) of what it takes to set up the business.
6. surround yourself with people that suppport your may mean changing your shcool, church, hobbie groups for example.

God wants to know if you're committed and always stay faithful to Him dispite the hardships.

good luck with your dream.


Anonymous said...

be more specific.
what's the dream that may or may not die.


Anonymous said...

A poignant and beautifully written post. I have no grand wisdom to offer. Perhaps after they die dreams are resurected in a transfigured form? Perhaps that is a wistful and romantic notion. No mater what the dream remains a part of us, whether transfigured, dormant or merely a memory...

May God give you hope, peace and comfort as you ponder and grieve the death of a dream.