Saturday, June 17, 2006

June 15, 2006
Gremlins and bad attitudes!
Wouldn't it just figure, I decide it's time to blog and my computer gremlin decides to have some fun at my expense. Now, I realize that the conventional wisdom is that a computer never does anything you have not told it to do, through programming and commands etc but I really disagree. I am firmly convinced somewhere on the motherboard there is a small being who loves to run around jumping on chips and swinging from wires much like a small rotten toddler giggling and wreaking havoc all over the place in there. Truthfully, the computer was the least of our problems this week. Have you ever felt that quite literally all of Hell has broken loose against your family? This was our week. Teenagers being difficult, work being a pain in the neck, things breaking, plans going awry. So I ask myself just WHAT is a person to do? The answer? *sigh* NOTHING! Getting upset is really the only option I have. I cannot control a single thing in this life except my own response to events (DUH! you would think by now I would have learned this!) So after a few days of edgy stressful and frustrating stewing on all that is wrong I made a decision last night at church, I stood before the Lord and said "I just can't do anything can I?" and a million pounds lifted off my shoulders. No I cannot do a thing but He Jesus can do the impossible on my behalf. Some day, in some way my beady little human brain will accpet and act on the fact that God really is not up there eating Rolaids, worried about these things, and as His child, I should not be down here acting that way. So off I go to a new day, with a new attitude and the peace that passes all understanding. Blessings to you all today and I pray you too, when faced with the stupid mundane and stressful things that tie your stomach in knots, realize, God really has got a handle on it, just let Him do it.

1 comment:

Janell Price said...

Thank you. I needed to be reminded that, "I just can't do anything, can I?" Somehow it comforts me to know you understand that some things just can't be fixed (by human hands, anyway). There's a lot of "Job's Comforters" around.